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Chakra System

Christian kearns

Studies of the chakra system.

Each week the focus will be designated to a specific chakra.

A nerve bundle located along the spine.

There is 7 major chakras in accent yoga tradition.

These energy centers can become excessive or blocked leading to confusing anxiety disappointed sometimes even anger.

From events that are presently happening Reflecting on the past 

or worrying over the future.

Each class is designed with the intention to hopefully bring some 

balance on how to approach day to day life with less struggle.

connecting Mind Body Breath





Christian kearns

 Meditation and breathwork teacher

Meditation has become a strong part of my practice.

Each morning give yourself and your mind some quite time. Find a space desicneted area where you wont be disturbed.

Its important to make yourself comfortable and have a straight spine while sitting. Soften the face with eyes closed release any tension in the body and focus on the natural breath entering and leaving the body.

Pick a focal point, maybe the nose that's the meditation object. 

Feel the air on its inward and outward journey through the nose.

If your mind drifts return to the breath.

Set a timer starting at 10 minutes .

increase as your practice grows.

Enjoy each time you meditate its a achievement towards mental strength.



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